

Islamic worship is not just about performing acts—it is about understanding and perfecting them. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) helps Muslims worship properly and fulfill their obligations with sincerity.

The Pillars of Worship in Islam

  1. Shahadah - Accepting & reciting Shahadah 
  2. Salah (Prayer) – The cornerstone of faith.
  3. Sawm (Fasting) – The spiritual detox.
  4. Zakat (Charity) – Purifying wealth.
  5. Hajj (Pilgrimage) – A journey of sacrifice and devotion.

Common Mistakes in Worship & How to Fix Them

  1. Praying too fast – Take time to reflect in Salah.
  2. Not knowing the meaning of Surahs – Learn their meanings to improve focus.
  3. Giving Zakat incorrectly – Understand the correct method of calculation.


By learning Fiqh, we perfect our acts of worship and earn greater rewards from Allah.



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