
Shaikh Noor Uddin Umri

Shaykh Nooruddin Umeri, born on the 1st of June, 1978, is a renowned Islaamic scholar, speaker and researcher from Hyderabad, India. He has delivered thousands of talks all over India – in organized programs as well as Friday Sermons in Masaajid. Apart from the lengthy speeches, his short and informative videos on YouTube, on a variety of topics, have a large number of followers, Alhamdulillaah. He is a successful Child Psychologist, Mentor, Trainer and a Family Therapist. With in-depth understanding of Islaam, and implementation upon the Manhaj of Salaf As-Saaliheen, he specializes in counseling students, parents and spouses in the light of Sharee’ah – by guiding them to be Aakhirah focussed in this busy, competitive world.
2,000$ 2,999$

Fiqh course - The Islamic Jurisdiction

The Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Course provides a comprehensive understanding of Islamic legal principles, their sources,...
2,000$ 3,000$

Ramdhan 20 days Exclusive workshop

This workshop will cover all the important rulings of Ramadan in a simple and easy-to-understand...

Seerah of Prophet Muhammed

A Journey Through the Life of the Final MessengerThis course offers a detailed exploration of...
2,000$ 2,999$

Aqeedah – Foundations of Islamic Belief

Understanding the Core Principles of Islamic Faith This Aqeedah (Islamic Creed) Course provides a structured...


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